Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Roman Missal, 1962 says of St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

To be convinced how much the intercession of St. Joseph prevails with Jesus Christ, we have only to consider these words of the Evangelist: And He was subject to them. The Son of God employed thirty years assiduously obeying Joseph and Mary!

It was sufficient for Joseph, by the least word or sign, to show that he wished Him to do anything; Jesus immediately obeyed. This humble obedience of Jesus teaches us that the dignity of Joseph is above that of all the other Saints, except that of the Queen of Saints.

Let us hear what St. Teresa says of the confidence which all should place in the protection of St. Joseph: "To the other Saints," she says, "it appears that the Lord may have granted power to succour us on particular occasions; but to this Saint, as experience proves, He has granted power to help us on all occasions. Our Lord would teach us, that, as He was pleased to be subject to Joseph upon the earth, so He is now pleased to grant whatever this Saint asks for in heaven. Others whom I have recommended to have recourse to Joseph, have known this experience. I never knew anyone who was particularly devout to him, that did not continually advance more and more in virtue. For the love of God, let him who believes not this make his own trial. And I do not know how any one can think of the Queen of Angels, at the time when she laboured so much in the infancy and childhood of Jesus, and not return thanks to Joseph for the assistance which he rendered both to the Mother and to the Son."

We should be particularly devout to Saint Joseph, that he may obtain for us a happy death.

Vespers Hymn

Joseph, pure Spouse of that immortal Bride
Who shines in every-virgin glory bright,
Through all the Christian climes thy praise be sung,
Through all the realms of light.

Thee, when amazed concern for thy betrothed
Had filled thy righteous spirit with dismay,
An angel visited, and, with blest words,
Scattered thy fears away.

Thine arms embraced thy Maker newly born;
With Him to Egypt's desert didst thou flee;
Him in Jerusalem didst seek and find;
Oh grief, oh joy for thee!

Not until after death their blissful crown
Others obtain; but unto thee was given
In thine own lifetime to enjoy thy God,
As do the blest in heaven.

Grant us, great Trinity, for Joseph's sake,
Unto the starry mansions to attain;
There, with glad tongues,
Thy praise to celebrate
In one eternal strain.

Saint Joseph, please pray for us.

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