Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Lollipop Kid

Reece spent the night with me last night. We had fun playing, watching the movie Cars on DVD and baking another cake.

He is crazy about Tootsie Pops, and asks for them every time I see him. He has a new blue flavor here.

In the picture, he is watching a Barney show about feelings--happy, sad, angry--and his face mirrors what he sees on TV. This must have been "sad." :o)

This morning I got up to go into the bathroom, and when I came back to bed he rolled over, put his hand on my cheek and went back to sleep. So sweet.


CMo said...

Oh what a cute little lollipop kid. He is so sweet and expressive.

Kalona said...

Thanks, Sandi! He asked about his "Aunt Sanni" after you left. :o)