Thursday, July 15, 2010

Peas In A Pod

Angela commented in the post below that Aubrey looks like me. I've always thought she looks like my middle sister, Sandi, but when I was looking at the photos yesterday I thought there was something very familiar about them.

So I looked through my photos and found my old kindergarten photo, and sure enough I can see the resemblance.

While I was looking, I remembered this picture of Ahlyssa. I think she also somewhat resembles me as a child. So I put the three photos together, and can clearly see certain features of our faces that are the same. How cool! I love genetics. :o)


Adrienne said...

Too cute for words!

Anonymous said...

This picture of you is one of my all time favorites. I can remember so clearly the little bird baret! That was taken when we lived at Grandpa Smiths wasn't it? Family ... so precious! I love you Sharon. Sand

Kalona said...

Thanks, Adrienne. :o)

Sandi, the picture was taken in Coffeyville. I'm sure I was still wearing those little barrettes when we lived at Grandpa Smith's, though, and so you would remember them. Big hugs!