Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Top 10 Catholics of 2008

Angela at Where Angels Go has tagged me for a meme.

My list of Top 10 Catholics of 2008.

1. Fr. Frank Pavone for all he does to fight for right to life issues, abortion in particular.

2. Archbishop Chaput of the Archdiocese of Denver for being unafraid to speak out for what is right in the Catholic Church and the world, and against what is wrong.

3. Mother Angelica for the grit and determination it took to bring Catholic TV to the world(EWTN).

4. Fr. Philip Kim.

5. Fr. Donald Kloster.

6. Fr. John Corapi, who has inspired so many with his life story and return to the Faith, and for his fearless defense of the Church and Magisterium.

7. Steven Ray, extraordinary Catholic convert. Funny, personable and warm, Steve has an apologetic gift from God. I'm sure reading his books and watching his amazing videos from the Holy Land have brought many, many people into the Church. And he has a really cool Catholic message board. :o)

8. Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg who recently refused to sign a bill that would allow Euthanasia in his country.

9. Rosalind Moss, another down-to-earth, funny convert who has that apologetic gift. Ros has recently founded a convent in St. Louis, MO. Amazing woman.

10. Eduardo Verastagui, for holding strong to his Catholic faith, and using his singing and acting career to promote life.

Thanks, Angela. I tag any of my readers who haven't done this yet. :o)


louisjkim said...

Kalona - My father is smiling.

-Louis Kim

Kalona said...

Louis, what a nice thought. I can just see his sweet smile.