Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Advent Preparations

Yesterday when Aubrey went to sleep, Reece and I got out my nativity set. I thought it would be a good opportunity to tell him the Christmas story.

He was just enchanted by the all of the figures, but especially baby Jesus. (Who won't arrive on the scene until Christmas Eve). He said, "Baby!" and gave Jesus a kiss. Then he said, "Aubrey?" and I told him no, not Aubrey, that was baby Jesus. After that he would pick baby Jesus up and say, "Not Aubrey," and shake his head "no." :o)

He is always busy, even when I'm trying to tell him something, so sometimes I wonder if he is hearing what I say. But later he will repeat something I've told him, so he is absorbing the info, even when he seems distracted. We talked about Mary riding the donkey to Bethlehem (Reece brayed like the donkey), and that baby Jesus was born in a "barn." (Then he made some cow sounds). :o) I told him how the angels came down from Heaven and told the shepherds in the field about the newborn baby, and sang "Alleluia," and how the Wise Men came to see Jesus and brought him presents. I told him how the tiny baby grew up to be the Jesus that he knows from the crucifixes he sees, and that He loves us very much. I will repeat the story each time we look at the nativity. (Oh, and I got him a Catholic children's Bible for Christmas, so we can read the story there).

We displayed the nativity set on top of the piano. It's not a fancy one, but it is dear to me. I bought it at China Pete's when we lived in Japan.

The wise men are still on their journey, following the Star.

I got the olivewood camel in Nazareth when Jason and I went to the Holy Land.

At the other end of the piano are these candlesticks that Sandi gave me a few years ago. They are always out, not just at this time of year.

And that's my Roman Missal, where I find all the traditional nuggets about our Catholic faith that I blog about. It's open to the O Antiphons and Ember Wednesday today.

I'm getting ready for our little tree trimming party tomorrow. Last night Ron and I bought a pre-lit tree. I was tired of fussing with the lights every year, and he didn't want to do it, either. He is going to help me set the new one up tonight.

Only one week 'til Christmas Eve!


Gerritnow said...

Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...

Kalona said...

Thank you, Gerritnow. :o)

Sarah - Kala said...

What a lovely nativity you have. I also like the candles and missal. Lovely. I was wondering if anyone was going to blog about the O Antiphons 'cos I didn't remember to, but I thought about it. :-)

God bless and enjoy the tree trimming!!

Kalona said...

Sarah, thank you. Sometimes I think it would be easy to blog about Catholicism and nothing else, but my buds already think I'm a fanatic about it. :o)

Therese said...

I love your nativity too.

Kalona said...

Thank you, Therese. :o)