Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fourth Sunday Of Advent

Last Sunday (Gaudete Sunday) we rejoiced that Jesus the Saviour will be here soon; this Sunday, the final Sunday of Advent, we are serious again, coming back to John the Baptist urging us to repent and prepare the way for the Lord, and telling us that "all flesh shall see the salvation of God."

During Advent, we are awaiting the coming of Jesus in two ways. The first half of the month we focus on the second coming, when Jesus will return to judge us and we will be sent to Heaven or to Hell. The second half of the month, from December 16 on, we concentrate on the birth of Christ, who came to save mankind.

Today at Mass, Father said that we are between the two comings--Jesus the babe in the manger has already come, Jesus the Judge is still to come sometime in the future. We need to be ready for both.

The gospel reading in the TLM liturgy brings us back to John the Baptist in Luke 3. 1-6, proclaiming the day of mercy is coming. And once again, in the Introit we hear the words of the Rorate Coeli.

Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the Just: let the earth be opened and bud forth a Saviour.

The communion verse today is Isaias 7. 14: Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son: and His Name shall be called Emmanuel.

Every time the name of Jesus is mentioned by Father during his homily, he tips his biretta. I love that.

Only a few more days until Christmas. Are you ready for the coming of your Saviour?

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