Wednesday, December 30, 2009

As The Old Year Fades Away...

We are ready for more Christmas celebration. Our oldest son, Jason, and his family will be here this evening. We will have another Christmas dinner on Friday, New Year's Day. Presents are wrapped and under the tree. I still need to shop for a brisket and the ingredients for the cake I'm making. And I never did make up the beds in the guest bedrooms.

Reece had his dental work done yesterday, and all is well. He had to go to a dental surgery center so that they could put him under anesthesia. He was pretty out of it when he got home around 3:30 yesterday afternoon. I stayed with Aubrey and Camryn while he and his parents were gone. Reece wanted to come home with me, but I told him that he could stay tonight when he feels better and his cousins will be here. I think he will feel like playing by then.

I'm going to Florida with Ron next week, so we're taking Mom to stay with Sandi for the week. She will enjoy the change of scenery, and she will get to see another great-grandchild, Jonah. Yikes, I just remembered I need to pick up a couple of her prescriptions!

Off to do real world stuff.


Linda said...

It's so good to see others still celebrating Christmas!!
Merry Christmas to you!

Kalona said...

Linda, I love that my grandkids are still saying "Merry Christmas." Reece, Aubrey and I met one of Mom's neighbors in the hallway, and she said, "Happy New Year." Reece told her, "Merry Christmas!" She thought it was cute, but I don't think she realized that his greeting was still appropriate. :o)