I called last week to make an appointment at BAMC for a PET and CT scan. A lady called me back yesterday and said they could see me at 2 PM today, but not to eat anything after 8 AM (six hours before the scan). I woke up at 7:45 AM, so I didn't eat, thinking I'd be fine until after the 2 PM scan. It was after 5 PM when they finally started the scan. And they made me drink some awful slimy liquid stuff that is supposed to make the scan better. This is the third PET and CT scan I've had there, and I never had to drink that icky stuff before. They said there is a new doctor who thinks it makes the scans better.
Anyway, that's another procedure out of the way before the transplant. Yesterday I had a second bone marrow biopsy, which is something else they wanted done. Some lady called Friday to say that I still needed an EKG. I told her I had one the last time I was in the hospital, and she said I needed another one because the ones they do in the room aren't "thorough enough." :o\ She also said I needed to see the dentist, and I told her that had already been done. She seemed disappointed that she was unable to make me do that again. Hah!
Ron was waiting for me to pick him up after work, and had to wait until about 6 PM, but he said it worked out okay because he needed to make up for some time he missed last week. The AC is out again in our piece of junk car, and rush hour traffic was still at its peak, so we had a hot, sweaty drive home in stop and go traffic. When we got home I kicked off my flipflops, headed for the back door to let the puppies inside and stepped right in a pile of Maggie vomit on the carpet. Aaaargh! It has not been a good day.
Ahhh, KFC, mashed potatoes and gravy, cole slaw and a biscuit. And peach tea. I feel so much better. :o)