Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday Without Reece :o(

Ron woke me at 6 this morning to ask if I wanted to have breakfast with him before he left for the day. I did, so we were downstairs by 6:30 and he left just after 7 AM. I had oatmeal with cranberries, raisins and apricots this morning, toast, some yogurt and coffee and OJ.

There is ice on the fountain again today. Someone told Ron that the temperature is 20 degrees lower than the normal average. Wish it would warm up to normal!

The light is so beautiful here in the mornings. It is so clear outside!

That's the front of our hotel, and a picture of our little Dodge rental car for Josh, who is always interested in cars. :o)

I have absolutely no plan for the day except to finish my book.

I'm missing Reece. He spends the night with us on Tuesdays, and we are always together on Wednesday mornings, so I'm thinking of him today. There is a statue of two dolphins outside the dining room windows downstairs, and it made me think of him because he likes dolphins. I told him I'd bring him one, and forgot to get it yesterday (got him a t-shirt), so I'll have to do that before we go home.

Have a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

Therese said...

enjoy your week in Florida Kalona.

The weather looks superb from the photos even though it is colder than normal.