Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Simple Saturday

Saturday has been a nice day so far. We got more rain last night. The thunder seemed to make Reece restless. He kept moving around and waking me up during the night. But he woke up this morning very happy and chipper.

He went with me to see his Gran and Teddy and had fun over there. He and Teddy still are not best friends, but Reece is beginning to like him better. :o)

This pic of Mom and Teddy was taken yesterday. I left my camera at her place, so it was still there today for more pictures.

Gran got out her little Indian nativity set for Reece to play with. He loved it! He said the wolf was a dog and the fox was a cat, and made the appropriate sound effects. I love the way he interacts with his Great Gran. They are so sweet together.

And of course Teddy was close at hand while we were there. I love his little pink tongue.

Twice this week he has managed to get out when Mom opened the door and run away from her. The first time there was a soldier in the hallway, and he picked Teddy up for Mom. Yesterday she said he ran all the way to the dumpster, around the dumpster, and off the grounds of the apartment complex. He finally stopped and she was able to get him. I told her that she can't open the door without having him contained, and suggested that she put him on the patio and close the door if she leaves to go to the mailbox or the dumpster. She said she will, but she doesn't remember. I'm so afraid she is going to lose him.

I dropped Reece off at his house, but he will be back this evening with Aubrey. The kids are having friends over, so we will keep them for a few hours.

Now I have a kitchen to clean, carpets to vacuum and toys to put away. Have a great weekend!


Sarah - Kala said...

If he isn't chipped, I would make the investment to do so. All pounds should have the reader . . . it makes it easier to reconnect with your pet that runs off and might get picked up. I pray he sticks around!

Kalona said...

He was chipped (and neutered) before we were able to adopt him, Sarah, but I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder, it does put my mind at ease a little bit.

Sarah - Kala said...

When little Holly pops out the door we think we'll never get her 'cos that little thing an GO. I always freak out more about her getting hit by a car than being lost forever.

I pray St. Francis keeps his arms around your mom's dog.

Kalona said...

Thank you for your prayers, Sarah. I worry about the car thing, too, especially since he seems to head for the parking lot when he runs out. Yeah, I didn't know little dogs could run so fast!