Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Last night around 11 PM I heard hooting outside my window, so I slipped outside to listen. By then the owl had flown into one of the live oak trees in our neighbor's yard. There was moonlight, but it was still too dark for me to see him. I went all the way to the back of the yard, underneath the tree, and he didn't seem to mind. He just kept hooting. I was hoping that he would fly so that I could see him, but he stayed in the tree. After about 20 minutes I finally went inside so the mosquitoes wouldn't eat me alive. (I wish that was a picture of my owl above, but it's not).

We see great horned owls here now and then, mostly when the weather is a bit cooler. There is a creek that runs through our subdivision, lots of trees and still some open land around. One evening I saw a huge owl on the television antenna on top of our house (it isn't used, but we've never taken the antenna down). I watched him for a long time and he just stared back at me, then finally flew. His wing span was enormous!

Sometimes we hear more than one owl hooting. One night we heard them from three different directions! I love the sound. Hoot owls are one of my favorite birds. I even like Mr. Hoots, the jazz sax player on Sesame Street. :o)

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