Sunday, September 21, 2008


Here is Caelen, our first grandchild, our oldest grandson, stealer of hearts and player of video games (see his shirt). :o)

I can hardly believe that he is in middle school. Smart, funny, sweet, he loves adventure and doing new things. He had a ball at Six Flags this summer, and he does a great imitation of the Asian guy on the Six Flags Commercials. ("More flags--more fun!")

He likes hiking (even when attacked by a wasp), going to the museum and the zoo, swimming, touring the nearby cave, camping and floating the Frio--all that boy stuff. :o)

His favorite subjects in school this year are drama and skills for living. I think he's going to grow up to be an actor or a writer. I suggested a priest, but he says no. :o)

Here he is with his sibs. He's the best big brother and an all around wonderful kid.

I love you, Caelen!

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