Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sounding Brass and Tinkling Cymbals

The TLM today was the Low Mass, celebrated by our dear Father Schorp, who is probably more intelligent that the whole congregation combined. I know a lot of his homilies go right over the heads of some of us. I have to really listen and concentrate; he makes me think.

Today Father's homily was on the Epistle, Corinthians 13. 1-13. Paul is telling the Corinthians what love (charity) is. Father concentrated on the fact that nothing that we experience is disconnected from God, so if we do not love, we disconnect ourselves from Him. Father's examples always include math and science, and nature and the family. :o) What he was saying, in essence, is that everything is a part of God's creation, and it all leads us back to God, so we should take joy in and love the things that make up our days and our lives, no matter how insignificant they seem.

I have trouble doing that sometimes. I don't see God in it when I'm doing the laundry or cleaning the house, cooking dinner or taking care of my mom or my grandkids. What I should be seeing is that everything I do with love is a gift to God. Through whatever I do for my family, I am loving God, and I need to be aware of that. Oh pooh, Father explains it so much better!

From The Roman Missal, 1962:
The faith of which St. Paul speaks is as nought without charity [love]: "If I should have faith capable of removing mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." The merits of our works, as well as the light which illuminates our souls, are in proportion to our charity.

Psalm 99. 1,20
Sing joyfully to God, all the earth: serve ye the Lord with gladness. Come in before His presence with exceeding great joy: know ye that the Lord He is God. He made us, and not we ourselves: but we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.


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