Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Radioactive, Part 2

I had the radioactive iodine treatment for my hyperthyroidism today. It was a piece of cake. Just two little capsules and a glass of water. No nausea, no dizziness or sleepiness. Just a couple of hours before and after the treatment without food. Now to wait and see if it does the trick.

I had no clue that anything was wrong with my thyroid. Even though I have many of the common symptoms, I thought they were just a part of aging. I have a very rapid heart rate (on meds for that now), insomnia, achy joints and muscles, loss of concentration, an enlarged thyroid (difficulty swallowing and a feeling like a lump in my throat)and low energy. My metabolism is high, so I can eat like a piggy and not gain weight, which is the one thing I'll miss if the treatment works. I also have absolutely no hair on my arms any more. I don't mind that. :o) I've had some hair loss on my head, too, but I have very thick hair and no one notices except me. Other symptoms that come and go are irritability, intolerance to heat, sweating, increased bowel movements, fine tremor and nervousness or agitation. Fun, huh? But you can see why I might think most of these are just symptoms of growing older.

I have to stay away from people for a couple of days, so that they are not contaminated by the radiation. We'll know if the treatment is working in about 4 weeks, when I go back for a blood test. I'm not to hold my grandkids close to my neck for a couple of weeks, since my thyroid will be emitting a little radiation--kind of like an x-ray, only not as much. Wonder if I'll glow in the dark? :o)

Please, if you have any of the symptoms I've described in this post, ask your doctor to do a blood test for thyroid hormone levels. I think sometimes doctors treat the symptoms rather than finding out what's causing them.


Sarah - Kala said...

Of course, you're in my prayers. God bless and a speedy recovery gets you back with the grandbabes.

Kalona said...

Thank you, Sarah. You're a honey.

X said...

No symptoms - just prayers for you!

Kalona said...

Thank you, Angela. You're a honey, too. :o) It's wonderful to have online friends who pray for me.

Linda said...

On my way to Mass; I will pray for you.

I do have some symptoms, but had a routine thyroid check a few months ago. I'm just getting old. lol No, wait, I've always been irritable!

Kalona said...

Thank you for your prayers, Linda. Glad you had a thyroid test recently and all is well. There are some advantages to having thyroid symptoms. When I'm in a foul mood I can just tell my husband, "Oh, sorry--it's those darn thyroid hormones." :o)