Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Locked Out

Sometimes something frustrating and aggravating turns into something lovely.

After returning from Mom's this afternoon, I picked up Josh from work at lunch time. The plan was for him to use my car after dropping me off at home.

When we got to my subdivision the street crew had the street blocked off again. We couldn't pull onto my street, so Josh dropped me off a distance away and I walked home.

Suddenly I realized that he had my house key! I was waving and calling, but he didn't see or hear, so he drove away. Then I realized that my cell phone was also in the car, so I couldn't call him quickly.

I went to a neighbor's and called his cell, but by then he was almost home for lunch. I told him to go ahead and stay there, but to stop and unlock my door for me on the way back to work.

I went to my backyard and sat on the patio, reading the gardening books that Betty, the activity director at Mom's apartment complex, had loaned us. It was quiet and peaceful, butterflies were everywhere, there were no mosquitoes, the sky was incredibly blue and clear and the temperature was perfect. I looked up and saw that my purple asters had suddenly burst into bloom overnight. I looked them up in the garden book, and it said that asters are also known as the Michaelmas daisy. You know, Michaelmas, the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel that I posted about a few days ago. It seems that asters bloom around the same time as Michaelmas. Who knew? I love learning new little tidbits. :o)

The hour flew by. I wandered around the yard looking at my flowers and plants, read a little and sat and daydreamed. Before I knew it I heard Josh's voice from the side of the house saying, "Mom, are you back here?" :o)

A sweet peaceful hour outdoors that I didn't expect refreshed my spirit. Thank you God for your sweet creation.

(The pictures are the Michaelmas daisies ;o) and cape honeysuckle blooming in my back yard right now).

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Nice post. I love sitting outside too. What an unexpected blessing for you.