Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday With Reece

Reece was having fun playing around with the photo booth thing on my laptop at bedtime last night. We took lots of pictures of him making faces and holding his cars. Then we played with the "effects" and made them look different. I love his eyebrows.

We made brownies after supper. He ate two small brownies, and later asked for more. I gave him one on his little plate, and he said, "How 'bout five?" He makes me laugh. I gave him one more, but he only nibbled on them. I think his eyes were bigger than his stomach.

It's cold and rainy this morning. Reece is still sleeping here beside me. He looks like an angel.

Ron is not feeling well, and was home from work yesterday. But he left for work this morning. I fed the puppies and let them out for awhile, then came back upstairs. About 30 minutes later, I heard the front door open.

Ever since some guys broke into our house, I always have in the back of my mind that it could happen again. I immediately looked out an upstairs window, and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was our car in the driveway.

Ron had gotten almost to work, but felt so bad that he came back home. It's just not like him to miss work, so I know that he feels miserable. We thought at first it was his allergies, but now I think it's a cold or the flu.

Mom's heat seems to be working okay since the maintenance man worked on it. Reece and I will go over there when he wakes up. One of the last things he said last night before he went to sleep is, "Tomorrow we go see Gwate Gwan." He sometimes still says his Rs like Elmer Fudd, so you can imagine how cute "tomorrow" sounds. :o)

I hope I'll always remember these little things. Writing them down on my blog helps.

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