Saturday, August 15, 2009

Maybe I'm Just Paranoid

A few days ago when I wrote this post, I went to the website to copy and paste the paragraph asking people to send "fishy" emails and conversations to a certain email address. I copied and pasted the paragraph into my blog post and posted it. A few minutes later, I went to another site on the internet, and later tried to return to my blog. I was unable to access my blog and got an error message similar to this from google (except that mine said "automated queries" not "automated requests"):

I have never gotten that message before, don't even know what it means to send automated queries, and thought it was weird. I ran my anti-virus program to make sure I didn't have a virus, and nothing came up. I finally shut the computer down and went about my life. A few hours later when I turned the computer back on, I was able to come straight to my blog without a problem.

Then I started hearing about all of the people receiving unsolicited emails from David Axelrod at the White House. They are wondering how the White House got their email addresses. I haven't received any emails from David Axelrod, but now I'm wondering if the White House somehow connected to my computer when I visited the site. Am I being paranoid or could this have happened?

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Knowing how I use the information from my statcounter (and I'm a dumbie) I would never want my ISP on a government website. Just sayn'