Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday With Reece

Yesterday was our 42nd wedding anniversary. We didn't do anything special to celebrate, but our daughter-in-law bought us this beautiful cake. Reece insisted it needed candles, so we added candles. :o) Thank you, Cyrise. We enjoyed the cake and shared it with Gran and her neighbors.

My little buddy is sick. He felt terrible yesterday and last night, but woke up feeling a little better today. Not sure what it is, probably just a bad cold, but two of his sisters have also come down with it. The symptoms are fever, runny nose and feeling awful. He was absolutely miserable last night; not himself at all. We gave him some children's cold meds, hoping to stop the runny nose, because he was rubbing his lip and chin raw wiping his nose with a cloth. He wouldn't use a tissue. He hated taking the medicine, but it did make him feel better. Made him sleepy, though. He fell asleep while I was reading to him, and slept well all night. He woke up this morning feeling chipper. He sat up and said, "It's morning, Gramma!" He's always so glad to see a new day. Me, too. :o)

He wore one of Ron's old t-shirts to sleep in last night since his daddy didn't bring his PJs. He looked so sweet in the t-shirt and his socks. In the picture he was watching Silly Symphonies again on my computer.

It's cloudy but warm here, and we spent a few minutes outside before we went to see Great Gran. You can see by the circles under his eyes that he was not feeling 100%. He still wanted to play on the playset for a bit, and to go for a walk with Gran and Teddy, though.


Sarah Oldham said...

Happy and blessed anniversary!!!! Wishing you both many more years of tender love and blessings.

I want to eat that cake. What flavour?

I wish I could reach through the screen and (gently) pinch Reese's cheeks. He'd probably not like it, but it would be hard not to. I pray he's feeling much better (and that goes for his siblings, too).


Kalona said...

Thank you, Sarah! The cake was Italian cream with custard filling. Very yummy!

Thank you for the prayers for Reece and the girls. I haven't talked to them yet today, but I also pray that they feel better. I just hate it when they are sick!