Monday, October 10, 2011

They're Home :o)

My buddy is home from Rockport, and my heart is happy. :o)

I have missed all of them. Unfortunately, they are all still sick with colds--runny noses and chest coughs. I'm also coughing.

Reece caught a perch and a yellowtail, and like most fisherman, he exaggerated when he showed me how big they were. :o) It was cute. He is so happy to be home, but he loved being in Rockport.

Ron and I were not home when they arrived. I went to get my hair cut, then we went over to Mom's. Cyrise said the first thing Reece did when they got here was go out and see the puppies. He loves them, and they love him.

When I got here, he wanted to be outside. My tea olive tree is blooming like crazy. It loves the cooler weather, and of course the rain we just got. The whole back yard smells like heaven. I think this is the most blooms I've ever seen on it. So we enjoyed sitting out there for awhile.

Then we came upstairs and he watched a couple of videos while I stole a few snuggles. Now he has gone with his Papa to get a snow cone at HEB. I heard him tell Ron, "I'll get a blue coconut and you can get a margarita." :o) He missed their snow cone runs while he was gone.

All of them look so cute. They went to the beach today after they checked out of the hotel, and they all have pink cheeks and shoulders. They always stop at the beach on the last day, and have a picnic and feed the seagulls.

Because of the rain the fire ants have come out, and Aubrey stepped right into an ant hill today. Cyrise said they ran up her legs immediately. She stripped her clothes off and dipped her in the pool right away, but she still has quite a few bites. Ron put some Benedryl on them. I hope she will leave them alone, but fire ant bites are miserable.

Hope you're enjoying your Columbus day holiday.


Kelly said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Aubrey getting bit by fireants. We have a few hills in our backyard that I need to get rid of, too.

I worry for you when the kids have colds because you are so susceptible to infection while undergoing the chemo treatments. Please take care of yourself!

My tea olive has a few blooms but I think it's waiting for cooler weather, I /love/ the heavenly smell of those little flowers! It seems like my tea olive bush is on a different schedule than yours. :)

I'm glad Reece caught some fish, I know he is proud of that and I'm glad he was able to get some bites! Did they catch any crab?

Today I spent time doing a mini painting and I can't wait to show you what I painted! :) Each painting always ends up taking a lot more time that I originally plan for so while I wanted to finish two paintings today I was only able to do one but it was well worth the time and effort, in my humble opinion.

Looking forward to seeing your new haircut. (:

Sarah Oldham said...

so glad for you! I love love love your grands stories! Sorry about the fire ants (those things are the most horrible bugs!) I remember stepping on a next while mowing (in GA) and they were up my jeans pant leg before I could say Mississippi!! YIKES!

You should share your new hair cut!

Love to you!