Another day of radiation, doctor visits, pharmacy pick-up and a stop at Gran's on the way home for me and Josh. Gran was still in her PJs at noon, but she was up and about and ate the leftover breakfast tacos we took to her with gusto. :o)
Kelly is coming tomorrow. She will take over Gran's med deliveries for a few days. Gran will be happy to see her smiling face. Kel's finally getting over that darn summer virus.
Early next week I'll have a MUGA scan and probably have a picc line or port inserted for the chemo to come. My radiation oncologist wants to give me 3 more days of radiation on the lower part of my spine Monday through Wednesday next week, so hopefully I can wait on the line until after that.
My afternoons are usually spent in my room, napping, surfing the web, watching a little TV, knitting, reading. I move around from bed to chair to sofa now and then, just to change things up a bit. :o) I have a little stash of snacks beside my bed, and a shoebox full of meds and stack of books on my dresser.
The past two days when Reece gets home, he stays with me, snuggling together on my bed and watching videos or playing with playdoh or toys. He might run out to see the puppies for a bit, but he always comes back. But when Papa gets home from work, he is ready to swim and play outside and spend time with his Papa. I love that.
The little girls come in to entertain me now and then with their grinning faces and busy little hands, but they don't usually stay long. I often put them down at bedtime, reading stories, telling nursery rhymes and singing songs to them. They love the special time and attention, even though they never want to go to sleep.
All of a sudden my room and bath has the look of an invalid's room--the shoebox of meds on my dresser, shoes with braces on the floor, a walker constantly at hand, a high-rise toilet seat and a shower chair--all things that make life easier for me. I certainly have a better appreciation of the handicapped!
So, that's a day in my life right now. Still praying that someday things will return to normal, but meanwhile we are coping and things are not so bad. I thank God for all of you and your prayers. God bless you!
Hi Mom! I sent you an email but also wanted to leave you a comment here and let you know how wonderful it was to see you smiling and doing so well today. I loved seeing you wiggle your toes! Next time I'm over and we have a chance, I want to paint our toes - I'll have to go by the store and buy some bright summer colors. :) I have blue and chrome, you want chrome colored toes, lol?
Sending you all of my love and keeping you and your family in my prayers. I am so upset with myself for not mailing your books that Kori got together when I was in Dallas. I've been working so much that I just left them in the back of my car and forgot about them. :( Kori was so excited to send them to you & I feel bad that I didn't send them right away. She wanted you to have them quickly and she emailed me yesterday to remind me. I'll mail them tomorrow at lunch time! I love you so much & love reading your blog. Love to all of you, Sandi
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