Monday, April 26, 2010

Late Night Chitchat

Mass was beautiful today, a High Mass with the schola. Sandi went with us again. It's been a blessing to have her here the past two weekends. We sat in back today, in case I should have to go out, but I did fine and was able to receive Holy Communion with no problem. After Mass Father Kloster said, "You are a fast recoverer." I told him I didn't know about that, but I didn't want to miss Mass.

We stopped for fast food rather than going to a restaurant. We ate at Mom's, and I managed to eat most of my catfish, mashed potatoes, gravy and biscuit from Popeyes.

Sandi stopped by on her way out of town. One of her friends had given her a list of Scripture verses, a little booklet about healing and some other spiritual readings for me. Sandi said that her co-workers and friends are praying for me. My youngest sister has told me the same thing. I'm very touched to know that so many people are keeping me in prayer, even though they don't even know me.

Sandi and I shared a soda and sat and chatted about childhood memories for awhile. I think there is such a strong bond between siblings who grow up sharing the same experiences.

After Sandi left, I wrote a grocery list and Ron went to the store while I took a nap. We had something to eat, watched some TV, and Ron went to bed. I dozed on the sofa for awhile, and now I'm wide awake.

Taking a shower is a bit of a challenge because I can't get my PICC line wet, so Ron has to help me put a plastic tube over it and tape it down. He does a better job than they did at the hospital. A shower makes me feel so much better.

Guess I'll go to bed and see if I can get some sleep. 'Night.


Anonymous said...

I love you Sharon! You are amazing and like I've said, you have set the bar "high" for all of us - this is truly a test of our faith. Thank you Father that you are bigger than any problems we face. We know all thiings are possible with you. Sharon, It was so good to be with you & spend time talking about when we were kids. Those young innocent times are so precious to me. Big Love & Hugs, Sandi

Jennifer Mulkey said...

Hope tomorrow brings another good day for you. You are doing far better than I did at this point with the chemo. I didn't have a PICC either, I had a port. So that's somewhat different. Glad you had a good day and a good weekend :) Prayers here for you :)

Gracie (Jennifer)

Kalona said...

I love you, too, Sandi! I am feeling so much love and support from everyone; that's what keeps me "up." Thank you for being here the past 2 weekends. It was fun reminiscing, wasn't it? :o)

Jennifer, I did have a good day. Spent some time with Mom, son Josh, and daughter Kelly, and of course Ron and the puppies. Going to have the PICC flushed tomorrow. Trying a different nausea med tonight that is supposed to last 8 hours. We'll see. Thank you for continued prayers!