Reece was so sweet yesterday and today. He is always so happy to be at our house, and it lifts my heart to see him walk in the front door, smiling and talking.
Here he is watching Pingu on my iphone. He is usually not allowed to touch my phone, so he was delighted when I handed it to him and let him hold it while he watched. :o) (Don't you love his little hands)?
After supper we played with his Hot Wheels City while Papa went to the grocery store. He came back with cookies and candy and a "present" for Reece--more Hot Wheels, of course.

Our home school unit for now is "forest animals," and I got a bunch of library books with that theme to read. We read some of them, but still have plenty left.
He wasn't interested in the book about beavers, so we haven't built the beaver dam yet, but I'm looking forward to doing that with him.
I didn't find all of the books on the list for this unit, but I think these will do. They are:
Bedtime For Bears,
Box Turtle At Long Pond, Otters Underwater, In The Deep Dark Forest, Every Autumn Comes The Bear, Raccoons And Ripe Corn, Rabbits And Raindrops, Can't You Sleep, Little Bear?, The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes, Bears In The Forest, The Beaver Pond, Over In The Meadow, Small Green Snake, and Father Bear Comes Home (a Little Bear book. He loves Little Bear). We're a bit heavy on the bear books, but he likes stories about bears.
He was a sweetheart at Great Gran's today. We stopped on the way at McDonald's (yes, again!) and took her some lunch, too. Then they played with some cut-out cars and bears we had made. Then Reece wanted to walk Teddy, so the three of us took him out.
We met one of Mom's neighbors with her son and grandson. It was Patricia, whose husband Ralph wrote the book
Tad. She said that Ralph is not doing well at all. I think that is why some of their children are here from out of state. They are the sweetest couple, and I'm really sad that he is so ill. Please send up prayers for him. Thank you!
Reece has met Patricia before. She gave him some candy when we delivered a cake to them for Christmas. Their interaction was so sweet. Reece talked to her and her son and grandson, and showed them a dandelion he had picked. Patricia gave him a big hug. I hope we brightened her day.
Sometimes Reece gets upset when it is time to leave Gran's, or when he realizes that I'm taking him home, but today he seemed to be looking forward to seeing Aubrey (his little sister). He kept asking me what I thought she was doing, and I'd give him a different answer each time. When we got to his house, he went right in and went looking for Aubrey to see what she was doing. :o)
Ron has found a gated arbor at Lowe's that he likes, so we are planning to go out to eat this evening, then stop and pick up the arbor.