It's going to be 80 degrees today. It's warm, things are budding and blooming. I love spring.
I am thankful...
for the past week with all of my grandchildren.
I am wearing...
denim capris, a weird maroon top with short raglan sleeves and drawstrings on the sides, flipflops.
I am remembering...
been thinking a lot about my dad lately. I still miss him so much.
I am going...
it's already been a busy day. I picked Mom up just after 9 AM, took her to the lab. She has a doctor appointment next week, and has to have the labs done a week ahead of time.
Then we went to the body shop to have the truck examined. I was totally surprised and delighted when the appraiser gave me a pretty hefty check! :o)
We went to IHOP for breakfast then to WalMart to get Mom a new kitchen rug for in front of her sink. She also got another door mat, a bath brush and some red lipstick. I got bath towels, a couple of beach towels, and toothpaste.
Then we stopped to get her hair cut. The girl who cut it today did a great job. Mom looks so cute.
When we got back to her place, I put some rugs in her washing machine and swept her kitchen floor. I told her that we got a lot accomplished before 1 PM today.
I am reading...
I haven't started it yet, but have the book Between Two Rivers by Nicolas Rinaldi on my nightstand.
On my mind...
planning for guests who will be visiting from Thursday through Tuesday. I want to get the house completely cleaned and the laundry all caught up so that I can relax and have fun with my sisters when they are here. Need to make some menu plans and go grocery shopping, too.
I haven't started it yet, but have the book Between Two Rivers by Nicolas Rinaldi on my nightstand.
On my mind...
planning for guests who will be visiting from Thursday through Tuesday. I want to get the house completely cleaned and the laundry all caught up so that I can relax and have fun with my sisters when they are here. Need to make some menu plans and go grocery shopping, too.
Also trying to recall all of the things I need to do before we go to the coast, including my own lab work and picking up a synthroid refill, getting the bordatella vaccine for the puppies (required by the pet hotel where they will stay while we're gone) and making their reservations.
From the learning rooms...
the next unit is "Up In Space." We'll be learning about the planets and stars, constellations, and astronauts, rockets and space shuttles. I think Reece will like these lessons. :o)
Pondering these words...
I don't believe in a government that protects us from ourselves.
Ronald Reagan
From the kitchen....
planning to have spaghetti for dinner tonight. Reece will be here, and he likes spaghetti.
Around the house...
sunshine spilling through the blinds, little wren trilling on the patio, stack of kids books on the lamp table, peach iced tea and cornbread crackers on the ottoman.
One of my favorite things...
church bells ringing.
From my picture album...
First rose of summer.
Read more daybooks at Peggy's site.
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