It's not as if we haven't tried to do something to prevent this. We've contacted our senators and representatives, signed petitions, sent faxes, and showed how we feel at tea parties and town halls all across the nation. But they haven't listened to us. They don't care what we think or what we want. This president wants to go down in history as the one whose administration brought health care under the control of the government.
I don't know about you, but I don't want socialized medicine. I certainly don't want one red cent of my money going to fund abortions for ANY reason. There is just so much about this that is wrong.
I didn't want my money used to bail out banks, car makers or big business, either. I didn't like the "changes" that obama promised before he was elected, and I still don't. And these "changes" are just going to keep on coming, because if they can't get what they want by following the rules, they just say there are no rules and do what they want.
But maybe, just maybe, what happened tonight will be the straw that breaks the camel's back? Over 30 states attorney generals have said they will file suit if the bill passes. All Americans who opposed the passage of this bill need to shout out in protest. We can't let up.
Here's the statement from the Texas attorney general:
Attorney General Abbott: Texas and Other States Will Challenge Federal Health Care Legislation
Following the passage of the health care legislation, the Texas Attorney General provided the following statement:
"The federal health care legislation passed tonight violates the United States Constitution and unconstitutionally infringes upon Texans' individual liberties. To protect all Texans' constitutional rights, preserve the constitutional framework intended by our nation's founders, and defend our state from further infringement by the federal government, the State of Texas and other states will legally challenge the federal health care legislation."
Greg Abbott
Attorney General of Texas
Maybe this travesty can still be stopped in some manner.
Amen, Kalona.
Thank you for posting this about the states' attorney generals. I think I will write Greg Abbot a letter thanking him for his opposition of the Health Care Bill and for his representation of the people of our state.
The next election cannot come soon enough.
Write to your state representatives, too. The states need to start putting nullification into practice where the federal government has overstepped its Constitutional bounds (which goes *way* beyond just this health care legislation, but even nullifying that would be a start).
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