1. What food does your best friend not like?
My best friend is my husband, Ron. He does not like liver. And he will not eat stuffing/dressing, which is my favorite part of the Thanksgiving feast.
2. What is your favorite cookbook?
I compiled some of our favorite family recipes into an 80+ page cookbook and gave copies to my daughter and two daughters-in-law for Christmas in 2008. I think that's my favorite.
I have a whole shelf full of cookbooks, but I use a 1999 Southern Living Annual Recipes cookbook more than I use most of the others. I like all the Southern Living cookbooks.
3. Are you more of a sushi person or a lamb person?
Sushi. I've only had lamb once, and I liked it okay. But if offered a choice, I'd pick sushi.
4. Given a choice of something fried and salty or something baked and sweet, what would you choose?
Hmm. Hard to decide since I like both, but probably something baked and sweet.
5. Do you buy whole chickens and boil them and pick the meat off or does that gross you out?
It doesn't gross me out, and I do cook whole chickens for soup or casseroles. I didn't like doing it when I was younger, but now it does faze me.
Do your children know what a whole chicken looks like or do they think they are made up of four breasts?
Ha! Yeah, my kids know what a whole chicken looks like. In fact, I was putting a chicken into my mom's crockpot a couple of weeks ago and our 4 year old grandson was with me. I started making the chicken dance around and he thought that was the most hilarious thing ever. :o)
6. How do you feel about butter, sour cream, cream cheese, and half and half?
Yum! :o)
7. (Skip this question if you are a vegetarian) If you are a carnivore, would you be willing to hunt or butcher your meat? Or to watch someone do that for you or would you rather not think of it?
I'd do it if I absolutely had to in order to eat, but I'd rather not have to hunt or butcher or watch it being done.
Or are you grateful for the animal who gave its life to sustain your life?
I am very grateful for the animals who supply us with meat.
8. What is the most exotic ingredient or spice in your cupboard?
I have some different types of noodles--udon (buckwheat) and rice stick, and I have a box of instant miso soup. :o) Not very exotic, but maybe a little different.
Thanks for the meme, KM. It was fun!
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