Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Therese from Aussie Coffee Shop has tagged me for the Unspectacular Quirk Meme. The rules are to tell six quirky things about yourself, then tag six unsuspecting blog buddies to do the same on their blogs.

Six Quirky Things About Me

1. I can pick small objects up off the floor with my toes.

2. I sometimes stay up all night to finish a book.

3. I like Cheetos in split pea or bean with bacon soup.

4. I never wear shoes when I'm home--always barefoot, even in winter.

5. I sleep with my feet sticking out from under the covers.

6. I can still remember my locker number from junior high school--and that was a loooong time ago. 13-19-25

I don't know enough bloggers to tag, so if you're reading this, you're tagged. :o)


Therese said...

That is a long time to remember a number. I am pretty good on numbers that we are using. I even know my visa card number without looking. I don't remember numbers from the past though.

Thanks for playing Kalona.

iris lover said...

Ha! Oh, Lady, you've nothing on me. :^)

How about picking up objects on the floor with your toes.

Staying up all night to finish a book or anything else I might be working on. Find the book much more enjoyable.

Popcorn in my Campbells cream of tomato soup. Or even worse, Fritos corn ships on top of my scoop of chocolate ice cream - it must be in a bowl so both can be combined. Nothing ever tasted so good as that salty crunch and the smooth, cool chocolate flavor. Yumm

Never wear shoes when at home just like you. At times, finding a pair to wear to go outdoors can be frustrating - thus attempt it barefoot and my feet show the results. We have no concrete up here!!

You and I are much alike in these regards.

One you did not mention is this. I used to be able to go to bed (when single) and sleep all night waking the next morning with sheets still straight and unruffled. Making the bed in the mornings was quite easy!! :^)

Good luck in tagging your six.

Kalona said...

Therese, it's weird that I remember some old numbers, but I don't know my driver's license number, my cell phone number(always have to look it up if someone asks for it), or my ATM card number. Thanks for inviting me to play. It was fun. :o)

Kalona said...

iris lover, it was fun to read about your quirks. Sounds like we do have similar ones. I'll have to try some fritos with my chocolate ice cream. :o)