I've done a couple loads of laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, entertained the puppies, saw my youngest son for a little while, and talked for awhile by phone with my oldest son. They lift my spirits just by being Josh and Jason.
I need to stop watching the news, though. It is so depressing. I know we can't just stick our heads in the sand and pretend none of the stuff that's happening is happening, but that's what I want to do. The economy, the oil spill, the inability to do much about it, the border brouhaha and all the dissension about what should be done, Jooran van der Sloot the monster who got away with murder, enabling him to do it again, a man in California using a 1 year old as a hostage in a shoot-out with police. Good grief! Dear God, I put it all in your most capable hands. Amen.
Ron went in to work late today, so he took Mom's meds to her, along with a few groceries and things, giving me a little break from having to go out. Her apartment is on the way to his work. Thanks, Ron! :o)
Signing off from my spot on the couch.
Still praying for you.
I've had some stomach bug but have kept going by the grace of God. . . I really need a break to just sleep in. But, I am getting better, just slowly. I'm offering it up for you and others who are sick . . .
Sarah, you are a blessing. Thank you!
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