I told Reece to come and put his shoes on today. I was sitting on the floor, and he walked over to me and rubbed my head with both hands, then flipped my ears forward, looked at me and said, "You wook wike a monkey." :o) Oh my gosh, he makes me laugh so hard!
He loves watching Peter and the Wolf on YouTube, even though he's kind of scared of the wolf. He likes to act part of it out, particularly the part where Peter is upset because his Grandpapa won't let him go out in search of the wolf. Reece pretends to kick the toy wolf, then leans his cheek on his hand and looks grumpy. It's so cute.
He came into the kitchen Friday night and said to me, "I can't find my whammer hammer." :o)
He got potato chip crumbs all over the couch and floor. I got out the vacuum cleaner and cleaned everything up. Later he was sitting on the couch and looked down at the floor and saw two little crumbs. He said, "Gramma, you need to use the vacuneenah and clean up that mess!"
I asked him if he had to go potty, and he answered, "No, thank you," and went right on playing with his cars.
I know! He is so precious. :o)
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