Father was going to celebrate Mass on Ascension Thursday (May 13), and Ron and I went. But Father didn't show up. There were a lot of the TLM regulars there, and no one knew what had happened. A lady led us in the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and we went home.
The next Sunday, May 16, I was in the hospital for my second round of chemo, so we missed Mass that week. The following week (May 23) Ron was sick and I didn't feel well, and we missed Mass again. So we had no idea what had happened at those Masses.
We went to Mass on May 30, and Fr. Schorp was there for a low Mass. He was there again for another low Mass on June 6. I was looking at the bulletin and saw that Fr. Kloster's name was no longer on the list for the Latin Mass.
It seems that on May 16 the parish priest, Fr. McHugh, told the Latin Mass congregation that Fr. Kloster had been asked to leave the Archdiocese and would no longer be at St. Pius X. But he said that the Latin Mass would continue there. (I thank God for that).
I don't know what happened, but I do know we've lost one of our best, most faithful priests. Fr. Kloster is unafraid to tell the truth. That often rubs people the wrong way--they don't want to hear the truth. Please watch his videos here.
Please pray for Father Kloster, and pray for our Archdiocese. There is something terribly wrong when a good priest is not allowed to proclaim the Catholic faith.
I'm so sorry Sharon. I had heard some scuttlebutt that the diocese was having 'issues' with Fr. Kloster. I hope this is not indicitive of the direction the diocese is going to take towards the TLM and sacraments with the new administration. :(
Thanks, K. I knew there was some politics going on at the church, but didn't realize that things had gone so far. Yeah, I'm praying that it's not a bad sign for the Latin Mass. I'm just so sad to lose Father.
I've seen this before. The archdiocese "had it in" for the one faithful priest I knew in Dallas. It's so sad, and makes it difficult for those of us who WANT the truth.
Linda, Ron and I were just talking about the situation and it's so hard to understand. Makes me want to cry that such a great priest is being treated in a shabby way.
I know this happened to a priest in MD as well. It's pretty sad, but in most parishes, MONEY talks.
Yes, Sarah, I'm afraid you're right. It must be more common than I realized.
I went and listened to some of his talks. Seems like a really knowledgeable and wonderful priest :(
Jennifer, yes, he is a wonderful priest. I don't think anyone who listens to his homilies or talks about the Latin Mass could deny that. Thanks for listening to the videos.
I don't know what the background is, but there's trouble brewing in Roman Catholic dioceses in England between priests/faithful who oppose the (last) gov't's abusive and murderous sex-ed policies, and members of official bodies who got into bed with them.
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