Monday, June 28, 2010

Blue Monday

I'll be in the hospital on Monday and Tuesday for my fourth round of chemotherapy. Really dreading it this time. I think it's because I've felt so normal this week. I just hate the thought that I'll feel yucky again after the chemo.

But Jason and his family will be here when I get home, so I am looking forward to that!

Prayers much appreciated!


X said...

You've got prayers coming from Canada!

Therese said...

Oh I am so sorry you have to go through t his Kalona. I wish that Baby Joseph and I could come for a visit and give you lots of cuddles and help when you come home. I know he would lift you right out of that yucky feeling. So glad you will have Jason and his family there.

Will be praying and offering sacrifices for you.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I just found your blog through Simple Woman. I want you to know that I am praying for you. I was diagnosed with Lymphoma in 1999 and know how much chemo can knocks you out. I pray for strength and encouragement from the Lord. I hope you don't mind if I keep checking in on you.
In Him,

Anonymous said...

I'm covering you with prayers! You are doing great sweet sister. I know God is blessing you! I love you !! Sandi

Kalona said...

Thank you all so much for your prayers and caring. You make it easier for me!

Carolina, I'm delighted that you've found my blog and hope you will continue to visit. It helps to hear from others who have had the same experiences.

Jennifer Mulkey said...

Thinking of you today and wondering how you are? Hoping and praying that this treatment went easy on you.


Kalona said...

Thank you, Jennifer! I'm doing well so far. A little nausea this morning, but felt better after a Zofran and some food. Achy, cold feet off and on today. Did you have that side effect?

Jennifer Mulkey said...

Yes, I did. It could be some neuropathy. You might tell your onc about it. They put me on some Vitamin E which helped with the neuropathy, but Vitamin e can also interfere with some treatments, so make sure you ask your onc before taking anything. They have other things too, that can help out. Hope that side effect gets better soon.