I called the vet's office first thing this morning to tell them that Katy has parvo and I wanted to bring her in. Josh went with me, and carried Katy because it was pouring rain all day. When we walked in, everyone said, "Don't put her down!" They didn't want her to contaminate the floor where other dogs walk with her virus.
But when Dr. T saw Kate she was acting hyper and curious, and he doubted that she had parvo. He suspected I was just being an overly protective mom. I knew better because I know my puppies. Sure enough, when he did the test it showed she has parvo. Dr. T said it was 50/50 whether it was a just a mild case, or whether it was the beginning of a serious case like Sister's. I'm hoping that because of the booster shot she had last Thursday that it's a mild case.
She is still refusing to eat, and I'll have to take her back if she gets dehydrated so that they can give her IV fluids. But he gave her a shot to calm her tummy and some antibiotics, and let me bring her home.
While we were there, they asked me to see if I could get Sister to eat. She was still refusing food, and Dr. T said that when she started eating she could go home. Josh stayed with Katy while I went to the quarantine room. Sissy didn't act very happy to see me, but when I sat on the floor she came to me and put her head in my lap. I stayed with her for half and hour, loving on her and trying to get her to eat, but she just would not do it. The vet suggested I come back in the afternoon with some of her regular food.
I went back around 2 PM, and Sis was happier to see me that time. She finally ate four or five little pieces of her dog food. She doesn't look as if she lost any weight during her ordeal, even though she's not been eating. But she looks ragged and needs a bath. I won't bathe her, though, until she is totally recovered.
Dr. T told me that he was going to let her go home, and for me to come back at 5 to get her. So I came home and got ready for her, scrubbing down the patio with bleach water and making another round of the yard to make sure all poop was picked up and bleach water poured on the poop spots.
I went back for her at 5, taking a list of questions for Dr. T. He was very sweet about sitting down with me to answer my questions. Then I went and got Sister from the quarantine room and brought her home. She was so happy to be with me, and when we got home she could hardly wait to get inside the house.
I wish I had a video tape of the reunion of Sister and Katy. Kate was in the crate, and Sister went up to her and they touched noses. I opened the crate to let Kate out, and Sister went in! I knew Sis still had a lot of fluid to get rid of, so I took them outside. It was just heart warming to see them together. They touched noses, licked each other faces, smelled every inch of one another and have stuck to each other like glue all evening.
So, my girls are back together again and my heart feels much lighter. They both drank some water, and Sister has eaten a little bit, but Katy is still refusing food and has vomited a couple of times. I'm giving them their antibiotics and hope that tomorrow things will look even brighter.
Dr. T says that they will probably be immune to parvo after this is over. I'll still need to keep a close eye on them. Katy could become dehydrated, and Sister could relapse, but I'm doing everything I can to see that that doesn't happen, including giving them water with a turkey baster. Tomorrow I'm going to mix a little boiled chicken in with their food to see if that will tempt them to eat.
Thank you to everyone who prayed for them. I know there are a lot more important things to pray about than the health of two little dogs, but I appreciate your prayers so much. These two little dogs mean so much to me, and this scare has made me vow to love them more and take better care of them than ever.
Prayers continued. Glad they're both home. They'll mend better where there's the most love.
so glad they are both home with you Kalona. I bet sister will recover much quicker at home than she would have at the Vets.
Continued prayers for both dogs.
Thank you Sarah and Therese. I appreciate the prayers for them so much. I can hardly wait for them to be over this!
Yay! I hope they are doing better today. I'm still worried about them both. I'm so thankful Sister got to come home and I hope she starts to eat (Katy too)! I'll keep praying for them.
Sister is better today, Kel, but Katy is worse. :o( I'm taking her to the vet in the morning. Thanks for the continued prayers!
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