Outside my window...
rain. It's darkish, gray skies, green grass and trees, 61°. It fits my mood.
I am thinking...
about my puppies.
I am thankful for...
my sweet family.
I am wearing...
black yoga pants, black smock top.
I am remembering...
I'm very much in the present today.
I am going...
to the vet's and to Mom's.
I am reading...
still reading Father Brown. I have a Dean Koontz' Odd Thomas, Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover and Mary MacCarthy's The Crafter's Pattern Sourcebook on my night table. I've started the Ramsey book, but put it aside for Father Brown.
I am hoping...
that my puppies will get well and healthy again.
On my mind...
Sister and Katy. Katy stopped eating yesterday and I'm taking her to the vet at 10:30. I'm sure she also has parvovirus. She is acting exactly like Sister did when she got it. I called the vet's office this morning to make the appointment, and the receptionist told me that Sister is still not eating, but that she seems "happier," so they think she is getting better. I want to see her for myself. I am heartsick and feel like I've let my puppies down by not taking care of them well enough to keep them healthy.
From the learning rooms...
we focused on the dentist last week, so will talk about the doctor more this week. We've also been working on letter sounds, but Reece will say, out of the blue, "B..b..b...T! Monkey!" or something like that. I don't think he quite gets the concept yet. :o)
Noticing that...
Ron forgot to put the trash cart on the curb, so I need to run and do that, and put the recycle bin out, too.
Pondering these words...
"It's always something." Roseanne Rosannadanna
From the kitchen...
Buttermilk waffles from the freezer for breakfast. Chicken thighs thawing for dinner. Not sure what I'll do with them--maybe teriyaki chicken.
Around the house...
it seems dreary. This afternoon I'll light some candles and bake something.
One of my favorite things...
From my picture album...

Stop by Peggy's site to read the daybooks of other bloggers, or to become a daybooker yourself.
I hope your puppies are better soon. May your day be blessed with God's radiance, giving light even in the dreariness.
Thank you so much, Patty! And thank you for visiting my blog.
I enjoyed your blog. I hope your puppies get well. Have a wonderful week. Doylene
Thank you, Doylene!
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