Our youngest son, his wife, and their two year old son have found a house to rent and will be moving in April. I'm the one who searched the on-line real estate ads for weeks to help them find a place. I've gone with them to see the houses, reassured them that they are taking the right step, and rejoiced with them Monday when they learned that their application for the house had been accepted.
But oh boy, do I have mixed emotions. Thank God the house they found is not far from us, and I know that we will see them often. It will be exciting for them to decorate their house and plant flowers in the yard. They will enjoy having their friends over for barbecues, to watch the Spurs games, for birthday parties. Our son will have his own garage where he can work on his car. Our daughter-in-law will love having her own home, I know.
If it sounds like I'm trying to convince myself, you're right. I know that this is a good thing, so why do I have this ache in my heart at the thought of them leaving? It's because I will miss them so much, even while I'm ready for them to be on their own.
It will be alright; it's just another passage.
Thanks, Angela. I needed that hug. :o)
What a heart ache for you. I cannot even imagine it just being Steve and I at home. Sometimes I dream about it when the house is full of activity and loudness but I know I will have a heartache too.
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