This feast commemorates the appearing of our Lady on several occasions in 1858 at Lourdes in France.
(Roman Missal, 1962)
Please read more about Our Lady's appearance to Bernadette here.
Litany to Our Lady of Lourdes
Lord, we believe,
Do but increase our faith!
Jesus in the Holy Eucharist,
Strengthen the unity of Thy Church!
Jesus in the Holy Eucharist,
Spread fraternal love in Thy Church!
Jesus in the Holy Eucharist,
Increase the holiness of Thy Church!
O Jesus, Living Bread,
Be our Food!
O Jesus, Light of the world,
Enlighten our minds!
O Jesus, all-powerful,
Sustain our weakness!
O Jesus,
Grant that we all may love one another!
Lord, Thou art the resurrection and the life!
Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me whole!
Jesus, Son of David, Have mercy on us!
Mary most kind,
Pray for us!
Queen of Peace,
Pray for us!
Our Lady of Lourdes,
Bless the Pope, Vicar of Jesus Christ!
Our Lady of Lourdes,
Bless our country!
Our Lady of Lourdes,
Give us holy priests!
Saint Bernadette,
Pray for us!
Lord, we bless Thee!
Lord, we adore Thee!
All peoples of the world,
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost,
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
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