Mom called me this afternoon to invite me to dinner at her place. She had put a chicken in the crock pot while Reece and I were there this morning. She said she would make mashed potatoes and gravy and a veggie. I had planned to go to Mass at our old church which is near my house, but I didn't want to disappoint her, so I told her that I would come. I asked her if she wanted to go to Mass after dinner, since it is Ash Wednesday, and she said yes.
My intention to fast from meat today went right out the window, because Mom rarely cooks a meal, and even more rarely invites anyone for dinner. I couldn't refuse the chicken after she went to so much trouble. Everything tasted good. I had to laugh because by the time the food was ready she said, "Well, I'm tired of this." (She meant cooking). :o) I plan to eat no meat for the rest of the week to make up for eating it today, but I didn't mention that to her.
We had been wondering what the regular Novus Ordo Mass is like at the church where we attend the TLM, so tonight was the chance to find out. We got there a little early, knowing that Ash Wednesday Mass is always crowded. The Mass was fine, but let's just say that we both agreed that we much prefer the Latin Mass. They had a TLM this morning, but it was at 6:30. I would never have made it, especially since I had Reece overnight.
I think the funniest thing that happened was that when I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue to receive the Eucharist, the deacon almost tossed the Host into my mouth! :o) He is not one of the deacons at the TLM, obviously.
Of course we stuck out like sore thumbs, me in my mantilla and Mom in her hat, but that doesn't bother us. There were a couple of other ladies in mantillas, probably visitors from the TLM like us.
I think we startled one of Mom's neighbors with the crosses of ash on our foreheads when we took Chuy out, back at Mom's. He did a double take, then said that he forgot that it was Ash Wednesday, but that he was planning to fast for Lent.
Ron called as we were driving back to Mom's and said that he and one of his co-workers had been to Mass, too. Then they went shopping at Dillards, where they were having a huge sale. He bought some shirts for 70% off, then they took another 40% off at the register. Way to go, guys!