We started out in the family room in the far corner, and followed the stars through the breakfast area, the kitchen, the dining room and into the living room. Each star had directions written on it, such as hop, skip, run on tiptoe, etc.

Here he is almost there. Doesn't he look like he is looking up for The Star? :o)
And here he has arrived and found the Child.
When he first got here, he found his Bible on our work table, opened to the story of the Nativity.
I told him again how Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem, and there was no room for them, so they had to stay in a stable. I told him that is where Baby Jesus was born, and that He is God's Son. I said that the angels were so happy that they came down to earth and sang and rejoiced, and told the shepherds about the Baby.
I showed Reece a picture of the Three Kings, and told him that they were searching for the tiny baby, and that they followed a star to find him. I told him that later we would make a crown, and pretend to be the kings, following the stars to find Baby Jesus.
During all of this, Reece was listening, but playing with things on the table, or picking up his little cars, so I didn't know how much he was really understanding. We made the crown a little later, and he seemed to lose interest, so I let him play with his toys and watch some videos. But now and then he would go to the stars taped around the house and look at them. And then he decided, on his own, that he was ready to follow them to Jesus. :o) And I got to go with him.
What a beautiful lesson and testamony of the Faith.
Thank you for sharing!
You are planting many little seeds!
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