The date of the Feast of the Holy Family was transferred to the first Sunday after Christmas in 1969, so it has already been celebrated by most of the Catholic Church. Since the Mass we attend is a TLM and goes by the 1962 missal, we will celebrate it today, January 11.
Thou blessed Light of saints above
And highest Hope of mortals here,
O Jesu, on whose childhood's days
The love of home shone bright and clear:
O Mary, who art full of grace,
Whose virgin bosom undefiled,
Gave Jesus nourishment; whose arms
With love embraced the Holy Child:
And thou, whom God did choose from all
To guard the spotless Mother-Maid.
On whom God's Son as father called,
A father's love with love repaid:
Of Jesse's noble lineage born
To bring earth's nations healing grace,
O hear us as we lowly bow,
And seek you in this holy place.
The setting sun brings evening near
And dusk veils all things early now,
We here abide to pour our prayer,
Our inmost heart's desires we show.
In Naz'reth's home all virtues grew
And grace produced its fairest flowers,
O may such grace and virtue sweet
Shine forth in ev'ry home our ours.
Obedient to Thy parents made,
All glory Jesu, be to Thee,
With God the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost, eternally.
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