My day today:
6:40 AM, Reece and I were rudely awakened by someone-who-shall-be-left-un-named.
6:45 AM, Reece refused to go back to sleep, so we got up.
Ate oatmeal cookies.
Watched kid's shows on PBS.
Played with blocks.
Read a Mickey Mouse book.
Got Reece dressed and his stuff gathered up.
Dropped Reece off at home on the way to Mom's.
Called Mom on the way to remind her that she would get her flu shot today, at the apartment complex.
10:00 AM, arrived at Mom's. She's not dressed.
I give her her morning pills and a cup of coffee.
Tell her the flu shot clinic at her apartment complex ends at 10:30.
I take Chuy out while she gets dressed.
I come back in to find her dressed in "dressy clothes," even though we're only going to the great room at the complex, but I tell her she looks pretty and we're out the door.
10:25 AM, we fill out a form, give the lady Mom's medicare card and ID to copy.
We wait and the lady finally comes back.
Mom gets her flu shot and they take her BP (it's great, better than mine).
Mom refuses OJ and doughnuts (gasp!) and we go back to her apartment.
Chuy is spinning around in circles on his butt, trying to get to a spot somewhere near his rear.
We take coffee (Mom) and iced tea (me) out on the patio because it is such a gorgeous day.
Chuy continues his spinning antics until Mom notices that he has worn a bloody spot on his "elbow," so we go back inside and clean him up.
I apply antibiotic ointment to his boo-boo,
make coffee for tomorrow and set the timer,
go to the car to get the cookies I brought for her but left in the car,
go back to the car to get dog food,
leave Mom's night pills and Chuy's night food,
switch out her phones so that one is in the charger,
load her dishwasher and wipe down the counter,
fill out her whiteboard with new day, date and reminders.
11:15, I leave Mom's, headed for the credit union to pay the truck payment.
11:30, arrive at credit union, pay bill.
Head for real estate agency to pay Josh's rent.
11:45, rent gets paid with a wad of cash from Josh, which seems to confuse the receptionist. It takes her 4 times count the money.
12:00ish, I head for Josh's so that they can use the car today.
12:30ish, I'm dropped off at home.
Typical crazy morning. But quiet, peaceful afternoon. :o)