Sunday, June 23, 2013

To peachblossom

Hi Leslie,

Ron just brought in the mail, and I opened the card you sent.  I cannot easily express how much your words mean to me, what you said about friendship and what you said about grandparents and grandchildren.  I pray that my little grands will remember me the way you remember yours.

I've made a couple of little story telling videos for them, and included songs at the end that we sing at bedtime.  I hope they will help the kids to remember.  I know the older grands will remember, but the youngest are only 2 and barely 4, so not sure they will.  But the videos should help.

I love the lyrics to the song you sent.  Thank you for such a sweet and thoughtful letter.  I love knowing that people all over the country and the world are praying for me, and especially that your sweet little boys and you and John have me in your prayers.  Thank you!

With love,

1 comment:

  1. They will remember. The videos will be such a precious gift to them. Technology is really wonderful!

    You're very sweet and I'm glad I was able to help brighten your day! We are praying for you every day!

    God bless you!
