Sunday, June 23, 2013


Dear Adrienne,

I am sitting here on my bed smelling the beautiful scent of the Bunni candles you sent me.  Jason lit one for me right away, when Ron brought in the mail today.  It's heavenly.  Thank you so much!

I love the card and note you sent, too, and want you to know that I feel that same way about our friendship.  I think of you and Sarah when I see my pincushion, too.  Funny how a little joke and contest over a pincushion can start a bond between people.  It was fun.  :o)  And now I feel like I've known you always, even though we've never met.  You are very dear to me.

Thank you for including me in your rosary.  I will pray for you always.  Hugs to you and the music man.


1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwww...

    Before Bunni/Carol passed away she promised to be our "Bunni guardian angel."

    I'm sure she's watching out for all of us (and in particular you!)

    I love, love, love my pincushion.
