Friday, June 21, 2013


It has been such a sweet, wonderful day.  Family filled this house with their love, laughter and joy.  Of course the usual family members (Josh, Cyrise and their four little ones) who live here were here, and so was my mom, my two sisters (Sandi and Johnnie), a brother-in-law (Mike), two big strong handsome nephews (Jared and Collin), our beautiful niece Kori, our precious daughter Kelly, and Jason and Kismette and their four children.

Josh carried me downstairs in the afternoon.  The women were all cleaning my house like crazy, and the guys were outside grilling kalbi, swimming with the kids and keeping them entertained.  It was almost like a party.  Well, it kind of was a party.

I got tons of hugs and kisses and love.  I sat on the couch and watched everything going on around me, feeling so blessed to have this big loving family.  Another nephew and his wife (Sandi's oldest son Cole) will be here tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to seeing him, too.

My home health aide came around 3 in the afternoon to help me with my shower.  The transfer bench works great and really makes me feel safer and more secure.  I was able to wash some of myself alone, without her help, because I don't have to hold on while sitting on it, like I did on the little shower stool.  Awesome.

Then I was all fresh and clean to be downstairs with family and have dinner later.  They all left to go back to Austin where Kori lives, but they'll all be back tomorrow.

After they left Josh said that it felt just like always with them; the same love and feeling of family has never disappeared, even though we live in different places and have different lives.  I've noticed that with our extended family, too.  Cousins I hadn't seen in years are just as dear and easy to be with now as they were when we were growing up.

Thank you Sandi, Johnnie, Kori, Kelly and Mom for cleaning my downstairs today.  I appreciate it so much.  Makes me feel much better!  Nobody cleans like our Croley women.  :o)  You are all wonderful.  Oh, and thank you Jared for vacuuming the kitchen vent.  And Cyrise for what you did before everyone arrived.  Love you!

Josh's children were enchanted by their Uncle Mike, Johnnie's husband.  I call him the child whisperer.  All of our kids have been crazy about him from the time they are born, or meet him.  He just has an easy, funny way with them that makes them love him.  So Aubrey was looking at him, and she said to him, "You have a good face."  :o)  Isn't that the cutest?  He said, "Does that mean you think I'm cute?"  And she said, "Yes."

Jacob enjoyed meeting all the guys and swimming with them.  He said someone picked him up from behind and threw him into the water.  I asked him who it was, and he said, "That big white guy."  I laughed so hard.  He meant his cousin, Collin.

Now I am eating a strawberry sundae that Jason and Kis got for me.  The perfect ending to a very sweet day.


  1. I sounds like a perfectly wonderful day. Showers are always good...

  2. You may not remember me, but I had the privilege of meeting and spending a couple of days with you and your family when Ron was stationed in Hawaii. It was 1988 and my mom (Mary Croley Pleacher), Aunt Shirley Garrison and Aunt Judy Simmons and I went to Hawaii to celebrate my graduation from high school. We were fortunate to be visiting when your dad (sweet Uncle John) was also visiting. If I remember correctly, I think we celebrated his 70th? Birthday. I have very fond memories of spending time at your home and a day at the beautiful military beach. We had a great time! My mom and I have been following your blog for the past 3 years. We have enjoyed getting to know our "distant" family through your eloquent and at times humorous postings - I wish we weren't so spread out through the Midwest. My mom has shared so many great stories and loving memories of her Oklahoma summers with you and all her other cousins. She always says how sweet and kind you have always been. It breaks our hearts that you have had to go through so much the past few years. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. May your faith and love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comfort and protect you. Sending our love and prayers.
    Stephanie Pleacher Mattivi

  3. Hi Mom!

    I loved how I walked in to see all the sweeping and cleaning and talking all at once. It was wonderful.

    I also saw our kiddos in the pool and Josh and Collin splashing and having fun with them while Dad, Jason, Uncle Mike and Jared talked and grilled.

    Watching everyone cleaning was like the scene in Cinderella when the cute birds, adorable mice, and little forest animals helped clean - except they are so much more wonderful than cartoon characters and it was better because I saw everyone helping out the rest of us while we gather together. Grateful.

    The thing I've noticed is that each one of us seems to know how to work together in a sort of chaotic but natural dance of family. It's Wonderful To Be Together.

    My Family: when one (or several) are in need, the other ones who are able come to offer strength and lift us up and help out. I guess that's "Our Way".

    It's Good.

  4. Hi Stephanie, yes of course I remember you, and your trip to Hawaii. We had such a good time with all of you. Dad was happy that you were all there at the same time he was visiting. I remember all of us being in my kitchen when we gave him his birthday cake. :o)

    I'm so glad that you and your mom keep up with us on my blog. That's the very reason I started it, years ago, but it has grown into even more than I expected. Making friends in the cyber world has been fun.

    Please give all my love to your mom and aunts and uncles. I cherish them, and I will always remember. I love you!
