Sunday, June 23, 2013

One more beautiful family day.

Had another beautiful day with my family yesterday.  This time it was all of us here (Ron, Josh, Cyrise and their 4 littles, Jason and Kis and their four), Kelly and Mike, then Sandi and Mom, Johnnie and Mike, Jared (their son), Cole and Collin (Sandi's sons) Kori, Steve and their two little guys (Kori is Sandi's daughter).  A big, fantastic houseful.

They brought all kinds of food!  Some of the guys stopped at Costco and Target and got everything imaginable for a big cookout.  We had hamburgers, brats, hot dogs, all kinds of cheeses, baked beans and pickles, chips and drinks.  Dinner was delish!

It is so wonderful to see the now grown-up cousins together, and the little ones, too, of course.  Kelly and Jared have a family tradition of making no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies whenever they are together, because we always did it when they were little.  They let Lily help them this time.  That was a privilege for her, because they usually allow no one else in the kitchen.  :o)  They (the cookies) were good.

The guys sat out on the patio at the back of pool, talking and talking.  They are all so handsome and strong.  Most of Great Gran's grandchildren are boys.  She has two granddaughters, Kelly and Kori, and they are both strong and beautiful, too.  Great Gran had her hair cut short, and wore cute clothes.  She is a little doll.  I liked just looking at her.

There was lots of swimming and playing going on.  Sandi trimmed my hair for me as we sat out back on the patio.  Steve took a big family picture (I'll see if it's in my iphoto so I can post it).  Oops, not there yet.  I'll try to get it downloaded later today.

We turned on the party lights on the patio at dusk, and Jason and Lys played for us, and Jason sang.  That was wonderful.  

We're all doing okay.  I haven't noticed much physical change.  I'm tired, but that's nothing new.  No new numbness or tingling anywhere, no breathing difficulties yet.

I ask for prayers for my family.  This is harder on them than it is on me.  Ron and I have been one for over 44 years, and I can barely imagine what this is doing to him.  I know the kids are worried about him.  They are all strong, but I can see that they are torn apart, too.  Please pray for strength and peace and comfort for all of them.  Thank you!

Goodbyes yesterday were difficult.  We live so far apart from extended family, and we don't know what will happen next, or when.  I feel so blessed that everyone was here while I'm still doing well.  

Thank you for reading, and thank you for your sweet thoughts and prayers.  Love you, dear ones!


  1. Irish, You just have to ask and I will be saying sooooooooo many prayers for your loved ones. In the last 3 years I can't remember not saying my rosary for you. You are such a mountain and I am so proud to be a friend of yours. Love you silly. Karen/fauxpetals

  2. Karen/Faux, I will count on yuor continued rosaries for my family. Thank you so much. I know that you have prayed the rosary for me ever since my first cancer diagnosis. You cannot imagine the peace that has brought to me. I love you, Karen. Thank you.

  3. Sharon,
    Stull praying. You and your family are amazing.
    I know ypu want for nothing and family has everything running smoothly. Id love to stop by with at least some goodies. Baking is the way I love :)
    Only thing else I can offer are pictures. Im ok behind the camera and i would be happy comr take some pics of you and Ron, kids, grands,sisters etc...

  4. So glad you had a family day together. Will most certainly pray for Ron and your children too.

  5. K Kup, please come by any time you would like. I'd loved baked goodies, and the family would too. You are always so sweet to want to help. Pics would be great, and I need your prayers. :o) Love you and thank you.
