Monday, June 24, 2013

Pics and Stuff

Our big family gathering.  They are all so beautiful.

Our wonderful musicians played for us.  Lyssa and Jason.

Kelly and I went to get our hair cut today, so I look different than in the family picture.  It feels so good to have it all cut off!  Picture tomorrow.

They  brought my trapeze and a wedge pillow for my bed this evening.  The trapeze is going to be so helpful to keep me moving to different positions easily.

Jason and his family left this evening.  He is taking them home, but plans to come back Wednesday or Thursday with Lily.  He just really wants to be here to help.

Kelly and Cyrise made me a fruit smoothie when we got home from the hair salon.  I was craving one, and Josh had  bought me lots of fresh fruit last night.  It was so good!

Kell and I had a puffy taco for dinner, and she went on home.  She made sure I took my decadron with food.  :o)  They take good care of me.

I'll be back soon.  Much love!

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