Thursday, October 8, 2009

This and That

My sister emailed me this sweet picture of Mom and my nephew on his wedding day. We've been emailing back and forth all day, trying to get the picture resized. I finally got it resized, printed it out, then forgot to take it with me to Mom's. I hope my nephew doesn't mind me posting his picture. He is movie star gorgeous and always has been.

Ron will be home this afternoon. He's been in Las Vegas. When I talked to him last night, he said he hadn't gambled yet. He had no desire to go over to the casinos, but he said he would probably play the slot machines in the airport. He did that one time in Reno and won $200. :o)

He was scheduled to go to California next week (which would have been the fourth week of travel in a row), but that trip was canceled, thank goodness. Now he won't have to go anywhere until the first of November. Over the past three weeks he's been to Atlanta, Colorado Springs and Vegas, so I'm sure he's ready for a break from traveling.

I've had a quiet day, just me and the puppies and MaggieCat. I just called and canceled the colonoscopy I was supposed to have on the 15th. After hearing all of the things that can go wrong, I decided I don't want to do it, especially since I have no problems with my colon. I'm afraid they will poke a hole in my colon, introduce bacteria, or do something else to kill me or make me sick. What is the saying? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I had a sigmoidoscopy years ago, and was told that my colon was beautifully pink and healthy. This one is more invasive (includes upper GI). Not gonna do it.

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