Friday, October 9, 2009

View From My Window

This is the window beside my desk in our upstairs office.

It's raining here this morning and the temperature is not supposed to get above 70° today. That will be nice after a week of 90s. It's one of those dark, wet kind of days, but I like it.

Ron is home, safe and sound, and ready to relax. He doesn't have to work today, and Monday is a holiday, so he will have a four day weekend. He's brought me some coffee he made. Mine is nice and strong with milk and sugar, but his is black.

The puppies have been fed and are snuggled down inside instead of playing in the yard like they do most mornings.

by Elizabeth Coatsworth

The rain was like a little mouse,
quiet, small, and gray,
it pattered all around the house
and then it went away.

It did not come, I understand,
indoors at all, until
it found an open window and
left tracks across the sill.

1 comment:

  1. enjoy the rain Kalona. I am looking forward to some warmer weather here after a week in the 60's.
