Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday with Reece

Life has kept me busy the past couple of days.

On Tuesday the dentist pulled out the root of the tooth Mom broke, and she got her new partial, which is probably going to have to be remade. It's not fitting correctly. What a pain in the neck.

She could only eat soft foods for 24 hours, so when we got back to her place I set out soup for her to eat, made some jello, and put a can of applesauce and some instant oatmeal on the counter to remind her to eat those and not anything hard.

She was doing great when Reece and I were there this morning, but was ready for regular food. I put some chicken in her crockpot with potatoes and green beans. She will have that for dinner this evening.

After leaving Mom's yesterday, I went grocery shopping, and picked up a pumpkin and some pretty mums for my front porch.

Reece spent the night last night, and we had fun. He has such a wonderful imagination. One of his favorite things to play with is a collection of soaps in little boxes that Papa has brought home from trips. They become houses, walls and roads, furniture, TVs, and sometimes cars. He likes them better than his blocks.

We went to story time at the library again this morning. He was so good. I sat on the floor with him, and he was more settled than last week when I sat in a chair and he spent most of the time standing and moving around, and then wanted to leave before the story was over. The little boy in front of us had on sneakers with Lightning McQueen on them, and Reece wanted to play with his shoes. :o) I told him no, so he just looked at them.

He did the movement activities with the other children, and when story time was over he made a craft at the tables in the back. He played with the puzzles for a few minutes after story time, then we checked out more books for him. When we left I told him that I was so proud of him for being such a good boy at the library.

We went to see his Great Gran, and he took his craft to show her. We played "catch me" and hide and seek at her house, which she enjoyed as much as he did. We came back to my house and worked on counting and letter sounds, and he was doing a good job, so I told him again, "I'm so proud of you!"

I went to the kitchen to get cookies, and when I walked back to the table he grinned real big and said to me, "I'm so proud of you!" He makes me happy. :o) His daddy picked him up around 4 PM and now I am alone.

I found this prayer that says what I feel about being a Gramma.

A Grandmother's Prayer

Oh Lord, I do not ask for much,
Eternal beauty, or youth, or such.
Just give me a little hand to hold,
And I'll forget that I'm growing old.

I do not ask for cloudless skies,
A life that's free from tears and sighs.
Just give me a little face to kiss,
And anxious moments will turn to bliss.

For what is there, really, that means so much
As little hands that reach and touch,
As little eyes that search and see
Only the best in fragile me?

So let me grow more loving and wise
By looking at life through their wide eyes.
For through these little ones, you have given
This grateful grandmother a glimpse of Heaven.

Author: Barbara Burrows


  1. You know, I see a dentist in San Antonio. His name is Dr. Wilke at Total Mouth Fitness. If your mom continues to have problems, I highly recommend him.

  2. Thanks, Linda. It's good to have recommendations, just in case. I appreciate it!
