Good news from Johnnie--her thyroid surgery went well and she's already home. The surgeon removed half her thyroid, so she won't have to be on synthroid or other meds. She said she is tired and sore. I texted her so she wouldn't have to talk. Thank you for your prayers for her!
The endoscopy was a breeze. They put some anesthesia through my IV that was supposed to bring on "twilight sleep." I was out like a light, and woke up in recovery. I don't remember a thing.
Ron came about noon, then he went to take Mom her meds and make her some lunch. When he got back he brought me some lunch. I ate a little, but drank a large tea and a couple of hours later everything I had eaten came back up. I tried to go too fast after everything that was done to me. Hoo boy. Before he went home, Ron went down and got me a peach yogurt and a bottle of water, so that was dinner. So far it has stayed down.
The gastro docs are the ones who wanted me kept overnight for observation. I'll be glad to get out of here. You come in for one simple thing, and they find all kinds of ways to make things miserable. One nurse in particular.
Last night I was sleeping soundly and at 3 AM my (rather strange) nurse and the tech came in with blankets they used to pad my bed rails. They said it was for "seizure precaution." They had been giving me something through my IV to get my esophagus and stomach ready for the endoscopy, so I asked, "Does that stuff cause seizures?" They said no, that "they" said I had had a seizure a year and a half ago. I was astonished and said, "No I didn't." They just looked at each other as if to say, "She doesn't know what she's talking about." I've never had a seizure. I'd like to know who "they" are that said that, and I'm wondering if the night nurses sit around reading the patients whole charts and if they mixed me up with someone. Maybe it's something they're supposed to do, learn the history--I don't know. All I know is that it was irritating.
Don't irritate old ladies with cancer in the middle of the night, especially with something ridiculous. And I was finally falling asleep again around 4 AM when they came banging in again to get my vitals. Grrrr.
Sorry for the vent. The care here is exceptionally wonderful most of the time. But tomorrow cannot get here fast enough!
Your story reminds of when my mom had her mastectomy. A chirpy little nurse came in with a bag of blood and announced she was there to give her a transfusion.
My mom told her she was not supposed to be getting a transfusion and to please check the chart.
The nurse persisted and kept up her cheerful chatter. She may as well have said, "There, there, you silly woman. I know what I'm doing and you're an idiot."
My mother was equally persistent and the nurse finally checked my moms wrist band. "Ooooopsie daisy - wrong patient."
Now this part will make you smile.
Guess what my mom did for a living?
Scroll down....
My mom was the assistant administrator of that very large and important hospital in the Houston medical center. Guess who didn't have a job the next day??
My mom was not a mean person, but it was the fact that the nurse argued with her and treated her like a dumb bell that cost her job.
Told ya I could make you smile
Feel better soon!!!
Adrienne, you made me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing your mom's story.
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