I'm still battling the gvh (graft vs host), but it is better. Dr. O said that sometimes it takes a long time to get it under control, but he was very encouraged that mine is better after only 3 days on the steroid. He told me that he is "ecstatic" with my response to the transplant and all that has happened afterward. That made me happy.
A few days ago I had Josh buzz my hair. It is coming back in, but I looked like one of the baby wrens, with feathery hair sticking up all over my head. Now it's all one length (extremely short), but looks much better. I went without my headcovering for most of the day today. I've stopped caring whether people see my bald head. :o) I found a cute hat at WalMart, though.
The babies on the patio, btw, have flown away. We were hoping to see them fly, but they did it when we were not looking. I'll miss them.
I was really busy today. It was a school holiday for the Battle of Flowers (only in San Antonio), so Reece was home. He came into my room looking for me around 7:20 and I was already up and about. I made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. Then I cleaned the kitchen and folded towels.
Josh, Reece and I went to Gran's today, where I made her some lunch and a pitcher of tea, emptied her dishwasher, made her bed, gathered up her trash, emptied her vacuum cleaner canister, etc. etc. She enjoyed having Reece there. He was showing her all kinds of angry birds made of PlayDoh or cut from pictures. He even makes them out of wet napkins. :o) And he brought his Kindle to show her the Angry Birds in Space game. She gets such a kick out of him.
Ron only worked half a day today (Battle of Flowers again), so we went to WalMart in the afternoon. Reece went with us. I wanted some Bisquick to make strawberry shortcake, and we picked up a couple of new pillows, a movie for the kids (Bambi), some PlayDoh (we should own stock in the company that makes PlayDoh), a couple of cake pans and some other stuff.
The strawberry shortcake was yummy.
Great news! I love it when a Dr. is excited about your progress! Praying that you just keep improving and feeling better every day! Hugs and Love, Sandi reestrit
Great news! I love it when a Dr. is excited about your progress! Praying that you just keep improving and feeling better every day! Hugs and Love, Sandi reestrit
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