Reece came home from school in the midst of my "choking up," as Cammie calls it. He informed me that he had bad news. I asked him what it was and he said, "Ms. C (his teacher) took my Indian." I think he took a little plastic Indian from home this morning and she confiscated it. They aren't supposed to take toys to school. We also found out (from a note in his kinderkeeper) that he got in trouble at school for taking something from her desk. So we're trying to get to the bottom of that. He said he took a bracelet. His mommy said he brought home a vintage looking R2D2 yesterday, so we're wondering if he took that from her desk. His daddy asked him if he found it on the playground, and he said yes, but now we're wondering. He has never stolen anything before, and we've never really talked to him about what stealing is and how it makes people feel until today. I asked him how he would feel if someone took his Angry Birds or his Kindle Fire, and he said he would be sad and mad. So I think he gets it. I told him he will have to take Ms. C's things back to her and apologize, and he said, "Okay."
Poor little guy--he's had a rough week. He was sick and missed several days of school, had the beginnings of ear and sinus infections, had to go to the doctor and get antibiotics (he hates taking medicine!). The area around his mouth and under his nose is red and raw from him wiping his nose so much. He's been grouchy and naughty and just not himself all week, so he's been in trouble at home, also. It's been a long week. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.
I'm going to take a nap.
My week and your week should get together for a picnic!
Darcy had "the runs" all weekend and Tuesday night it got bloody. She had nothing left but pure, bright red blood to expel. It was scary. The vet gave her IV fluids and now she's on meds. Today she is looking better but not 100%.
I'm so sorry to hear you are sick. Fast food and chemo drugs sound like the plague at this point. :(
IMHO, when Reece is feeling better he should personally take the R2D2 back to school and apologize one-on-one to his teacher for stealing. It will leave a good impression on him and he probably won't steal in the future. :)
I love you.
Oh no, I hope Darcy is okay! Did the vet know why she was bleeding? That is scary. The other dogs are okay? I wonder if she ate something she shouldn't have.
I'm pretty sure it's the methotrexate causing the nausea. I should have known better than to have Mexican food that day. I'm doing okay now.
We haven't found the R2D2 he brought home. There is no telling where it is, especially if Aubrey got hold of it, which is most likely. But yes, he will be taking it back and apologizing to his teacher. Next week is spring break, so we'll have time to find the toy.
Hugs and love.
D gets the methotrexate too, in his spine most of the time. They caused terrible headaches; glad that is over for a while.
Are you taking zofran often enough? It sounds like you have an appetite. I'm glad for that.
I hope this yucky part is over for you soon.
Linda, I just hate thinking of your little boy getting the methotrexate. You might try asking them to administer it more slowly; that might help the headaches. I get mine through my Ommaya port in my head. It does make me tired, and it didn't make me nauseous until the last few times.
I don't take the Zofran as I should. I take so many pills, so I try not to have to take it. Sometimes it helps, and sometimes it causes me to vomit. (Probably when I've waited too long to take it).
I'm at day 96 after my transplant. I think I get to stop some more meds at day 100. Seems like that ought to be some kind of celebration day. :o)
I do have a pretty good appetite, and have gained back some of the weight I've lost so I'm not quite so scary looking. I hope your D regains his appetite soon, and that he is not suffering too much.
Prayers for you, D and the rest of your family.
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