We took Mom grocery shopping on Saturday. I got home around 3 PM, then Sandi and Mom came by after doing some shopping at the shopping center near our house (Sandi bought me two nighties and a robe for my hospital stay), and Kelly and her dogs came over to spend some time with us. We had a lovely evening. We had Mexican food for dinner, and hot fudge sundaes for dessert. We watched the dogs playing together, and had to put them inside when it started raining. We talked and listened to oldies that Ron would find on the computer and make us guess who the group or singer was. It was fun, and normal, and made me happy.
Today, Sandi went with us to Mass. I love when my sweet Baptist sister goes to the Latin Mass with me and likes it. :o) After Mass we met Kelly and Mike for lunch at Luby's, or as Mike said, "where the blue-hairs eat." :o) That was fun, too. We stayed for quite awhile after we finished our meal, talking and laughing.
After saying good-bye to Kelly and Mike, we dropped Mom and Sandi at Mom's apartment and came on home. Sandi stopped for a little while later as she was on her way out of town. I'm glad that she lives only a couple of hours away, but sometimes I wish we lived in the same town.
After Sandi left, Ron mowed the grass, I took a short nap, then Josh, Cyrise and the kids came over. We kept Reece and Aubrey here with us while their parents and Camryn went to the grocery store. Reece and Aubrey were so happy to see us, and we played outside with them for awhile. Then we came in and played with Reece's cars and blocks and a little pirate ship set we got in Rockport. I love being with them, and in no time their daddy and mommy came back to get them.
I can still hear their little voices calling, "Bye-bye Gramma! Bye-bye, Papa!" as they drove away with the truck windows rolled down. They didn't want to leave at first, but their daddy and mommy told them they were going home to eat pizza and watch Wall-E. :o)
I feel good, as if nothing at all is wrong with me. Unfortunately, the lab tests, biopsy and x-ray tell a different story. I'll have the bone marrow biopsy tomorrow, and the PET scan, and I guess I'll find out what time they want me to check into the hospital on Tuesday.
I'm praying for a miracle or that this is all a big mistake. :o)
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